20250207 – Watch the Water…
Humanity will prosper as Secrets Revealed show that humanity owns the Breakaway Civilization. It will embrace real physics, including ZPT, and leave behind the Einsteinian physics that always served as…
Humanity will prosper as Secrets Revealed show that humanity owns the Breakaway Civilization. It will embrace real physics, including ZPT, and leave behind the Einsteinian physics that always served as…
Beginning February 26, we may start seeing the panicked actions of those whose funding has dried up. ZPT coming in June. Direct video link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/secrets-revealed-db4
Datasets from as early as 2002 showed the US turning into a hotbed of alternative medicine. That will accelerate as the medical system falls apart. Direct video link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/curiendero
Humanity is in a transformation as profound as a caterpillar emerging into a butterfly as we enter into the Age of Aquarius and are exposed to energies from the galactic…
Other creatures, such as aliens, may have auras that operate differently than ours. Light beams coming out the eyes is one example that shows up occasionally in ancient history. Direct…
Prepare for more chaos in 2025 as ANTIFA types start losing funding and chemtrail companies get doxxed. But by the end of the year, mainstream media will start admitting that…
Using psychedelics to travel hyperspace makes one aware of the event stream. You can actively participate in clearing your karma by having conscious reactions to the downstream effects. Direct video…
Failure teaches, success reinforces. A wise man will learn to be very, very good at failing. Direct video link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/failing
Advice to young men about wooing women: Read the great romance novels. At their core: Fight WITH her, fight BESIDE her, and fight FOR her. Direct video link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/arrogant-bastard
A shift of the ages is happens and we are starting 25 years of massive chaos. ZPT should be discovered within a year or so, meaning serious medical devices that…