Clif and George Ure are guests for premier edition of the America Now show. It ended on an especially interesting note with thoughts about the galaxy and how the current academic paradigm is incompatible with true science.
- 00:03:00 Clif and George Ure join; Clif’s discovery of predictive linguistics
- 00:08:40 Predicted 9/11; Screwy Theory 153
- 00:17:40 US Architype = Army
- 00:21:20 Predicted Banda Aceh earthquake; Architype: Interrupted Wedding
- 00:30:40 Sun Disease
- 00:34:24 Bazaar weather changes
- 00:43:20 Question: Economics, currency, Gresham’s Law, etc.; Seizing gold
- 00:53:30 Thoughts on the galaxy
- 00:59:22 Global Warming; Terra entity, Sun changing color
- 01:03:15 Academics incompatible with true science
- 01:07:00 Lifelong vision of soldiers
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