Truism: Government Lies. Many are refusing the swine flu vaccine. Dog-walking hour in Russia.
- 01:25 Master of Crust and Pie Adept; 5000 units of Vitamin D
- 06:50 Large push of fascism and patriarchal control is now being responded to by the populace
- 08:28 Delete one bill for every bill that is passed
- 12:18 Theft of Clif’s reports; Current report: Shape of Things to Come;
- 15:20 China dumping derivatives
- 23:15 Debasing of the currency; Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
- 29:38 People waking up to Swine Flu vaccine; Government lies;
- 33:50 Dog-Walking Hour in Russia
- 36:25 Universe favors humans; Slavery “bred” fitter blacks
- 38:05 Wind shift; Carbon Dioxide balance
Note: Our commitment is to provide links to original sources so they get the credit and traffic. However, many of the Clif interviews are behind the Rense Radio Archives paywall. We’ve also scrounged up a few Clif interviews that are missing from the archives. We are grateful to have Jeff’s blessing to make these interviews available to the public for viewer convenience and to help spread Clif’s message.
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