Clif offers an abundance of great insight and instruction on developing a practice of meditation…for men.
- 00:45 Clif can’t know how meditation is for women
- 01:16 Goal of meditation is to bring your chi energy along with you when you die; Bardo or limbo; Shoshana
- 07:20 Science of Yoga; Yoga Sutra of Patanjali
- 10:45 Sensory entrainment
- 13:16 Removal of linguistic center of mind
- 18:13 Mapping consciousness
- 20:20 Ego will bitch; Persist through the pain
- 24:00 Deprivation
- 26:25 Persistence of Vision
- 32:15 The Razors Edge; Breathing techniques; Eyes to the bridge of nose; Body positions
- 36:05 Mudra
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