20130426 – Clif High Audio #19
IDIR (Immediacy Data Intelligence Report) – Agreements between government and corporations to specifically defraud the public.
IDIR (Immediacy Data Intelligence Report) – Agreements between government and corporations to specifically defraud the public.
Off-the-cuff thoughts after previewing this month’s data. Central banks are blind to their coming demise and the rise of individuals as the new economic movers and shakers.
Description of severe DDOS attack. Massive drop in bitcoin seems like manipulation and only proves its antifragility. 2 hour flow-of-thought session as Clif analyzes through immediacy data.
Short clip of Clif explaining how the political layer is losing influence because the bankster layer above it is eroding. Death of the dollar is cause for celebration because banksters…
Exposure of minion class, abandonment of USD by China to purchase oil, and planet-wide wealth transfer.
Clif provides a Bitcoin Primer for those who haven’t yet jumped in at a valuation of US$130. What is bitcoin, how to acquire it, how to mine it, and how…
Catamaran friend provides first-hand insight into Cyprus collapse, amino acids and mood; Foster Gamble doublespeak, and bitcoin can’t be stopped.