Clif High offers lots of SEO suggestions for small business owners and then dives into general web bot information.
- 04:34 Clif interview begins; SEO – Search Engine Optimization – How to sell things in the new world
- 12:00 How to reach the minds behind the google ads; Focused test
- 14:05 Bombed out for first 6 days
- 17:30 Keywords in video title should be mentioned in first 8 seconds or so and end of video
- 21:15 Tell a story
- 26:15 Focus on a very niche customer
- 28:10 Fake story about Deutsche Bank failing seems to be propagation study
- 33:00 Web Bot Reports highlight only a fraction of Web Bot data
- 34:00 Democrat presidential candidate may withdraw
- 35:15 Mining stocks may be a worthy investment
- 36:45 Gold, silver, and bitcoin; Bitcoin will reach a period of going up 9% every day
- 38:10 MtGOX; True bitcoin price is under $800
- 40:30 No intrinsic value of gold; Roman Empire gold value; Bitcoin is currency of new empire
- 44:15 Gold is being revalued by outlying regions of US Empire; Bitcoin rising in influence at the same time
- 47:47 Value of silver ounce is basically static; Bitcoin is gaining value and is instantly put to new uses that are always adding to intrinsic value
- 51:30 Period of earth expansion and ice age; Alternating temperatures; Lakes in the sky (Rain bombs)
- 55:10 Chunneling – channeled sinkholes
- 57:10 Terrible winter
- 58:18 Turkish Explosion
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Hey Rex: We tried to contact you through facebook and X for your feedback. We strive to link to content of original interviewer to send them the traffic and SEO link love. After your original interviews with Clif were removed from YouTube, we found backups and uploaded them to our alternative channels. We will be happy to link to the videos on your channels if you make them available.
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