Clif High’s second interview with Off Planet Radio. Subjects include the Equifax data breach and the nature of time.
- 00:02:22 Clif joins call
- 00:03:00 Equifax data breach
- 00:23:35 New lending platforms; SALT lending; Populous;
- 00:29:55 Sun Disease; Hurricanes created by electricity; Ionosphere
- 00:38:45 Suicide
- 00:41:30 Mongolians killed so many people on earth that they altered the carbon footprint at the time
- 00:45:10 Dr David Anderson on the nature of TIME
- 00:54:30 Other dimensions don’t exist; Consciousness
- 01:10:45 Karma; Psychedelics
- 01:15:15 Consciousness that is not you; Mantid
- 01:18:30 4 senses; Touch is not a sense
- 01:21:00 Time travel into the past is not possible; Time Lens; Time Filter
- 01:23:05 Cloning, if it exists, must involve a time lens
- 01:27:00 Different types of minds
- 01:34:00 Little Bloop Theory – Pulses at 22 Trillion times per second
- 01:37:17 Remotes Viewing; Time travel into the future; Dean Radin experiments
- 01:46:55 Third Wave Feminism
- 01:49:15 Little Bloop Theory Book: The Inside Track by Fred Bell
- 01:53:30 Past lives
- 01:55:30 Sigmund Freud was nuts and promoted by the Tavistock Institute
- 02:00:00 Aikido
- 02:06:38 Ever-present Now; Dr Nikolai Kozyrev; Knower Mind and Thinker Mind; Time Dilation;
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