In second Clif High interview with Grimerica, discussion includes cryptocurrencies as proof of emergence of SciFi World, breaking addictions, Clif’s vaxxx injuries as military brat, news around Antarctica.
- 00:29:09 Clif High introduced; What’s new over the past two years; SciFi World – Moore’s Law corollary; Ghettoizing the Internet; Facebook slowly dying; Triggering Dopamine; 5G
- 00:43:00 Cryptocurrencies are core change to money – Evidence of coming SciFi World; Trustless nature;
- 00:47:30 Sabotage
- 00:51:50 Podcasts taking over radio
- 00:52:25 How predictive linguistics works; Reason for accuracy in cryptocurrency predictions; Law of Attraction
- 01:09:50 Breaking addictions
- 01:14:50 Change in humanity’s diet
- 01:16:50 Manipulation of cryptocurrencies with MtGox coins; Blockchain is a stupid and slow database with consensus
- 01:19:52 Trump and North Korea
- 01:22:00 Human diet 50 years from now; Replicators; Geoengineering
- 01:29:40 New Ice Age
- 01:33:15 Writing software; Python
- 01:35:20 Clif as a Military Brat; Clif’s lifetime of illness due to vaxxx; Skitzotypal
- 01:43:45 Antarctica; Rebranding of SAIC to Leidos; FitBit Map; Atlantis
- 01:54:10 Clif signs off
Last half of interview can be viewed live at