This Leak Project interview with Clif High covers the electric universe, expanding earth, cometary solar system, and dives deep into Antarctica.
- 00:02:47 Challenging times before things get better; Electric Universe; Grand Solar Minimum; No 10,000-foot high wall of water; Expanding Earth; Earth has a plasma core; Neal Adams
- 00:14:15 Mainstream astronomers begin with the wrong supposition; Helical/Cometary model of solar system; Alignment of planets
- 00:19:45 Sun is electrified tip of ARC welder as it zooms through the electrical fields of space
- 00:23:25 New volcanic island forming off coast of Hawaii
- 00:25:00 Tsunamis; Ancient large tsunamis were based on a much smaller earth; Displacement wave; Krakatoa
- 00:34:50 Major cracks around earth; Kilauea and other volcanic activity; Astrological activities recorded in religions; Venus is a captured planet; Doubling of solar wind speed
- 00:42:20 Antarctica will lose all its ice due to volcanos; UVC radiation
- 00:44:40 Forests getting fried by UVC, chemtrails, opportunistic infections
- 00:48:15 Atmospheric rivers; New inland seas
- 00:51:00 Steamboat geyser in Yellowstone
- 00:55:40 Influence of CERN activity on Earth; Shiva Statue
- 01:05:00 Chemtrails may be attempting to protect from UVC
- 01:09:10 Clif move and burglary
- 01:11:00 More earth expansion issues
- 01:13:10 5G; Injecting chips
- 01:25:37 Nuclear Plant in Antarctica; Movies from 1960s-70s that show vast areas with no snow and surface lakes; Mountains of coal that could power US for 200 years
- 01:35:00 Pyramids in Antarctica; SAIC in Antarctica; LEIDOS; Painted electrical transmission
- 01:46:50 Bitcoin halvings; Manipulations with MtGOX bitcoins: EOS
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