Fleshing out practical approaches to discovering and tapping into the pre-existing galactic internet.
YouTube Description: Adults only – rough language about quanta descriptor language (QDL) & raw bit shifting
- 00:01:25 Helping Assembly language guy with code linguistics
- 00:02:45 New speculation caused by repeating patterns in Immediacy Data
- 00:09:35 Bitcoin price rise of 9%; Be very wary of cryptos that aren’t mined
- 00:14:30 Years of chaos in financial markets
- 00:19:52 Quantum mechanics and quantum physics – thinking through the quantum internet
- 00:22:48 Entrained particles
- 00:35:30 Quantum Description Language (QDL); Solar System compared to cell; Nuclear explosion is actually an electric bomb; “Vacuum of space” is only behind the Sun;
- 00:43:30 No Domain Name Service (DNS) on the galactic internet
- 00:47:35 Similar to the Dark Web
- 00:54:10 Time Ray Gun; Kozyrev experiments; Clif nearly blew his head off when taking apart the time box – sunburned patch on his head; Dissipative Entropy
- 01:06:00 Anesthesia Amnesia
- 01:08:40 Litecoin; Emotional intensity burst for cryptocurrencies
Direct video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULtM684Aeu4