Great interview due to great hosts, including an 8chan board owner when Q got started there. Clif dives deep into a number of forbidden subjects and sees hope on the horizon.
00:00:38 How Clif came up with predictive linguistics
00:03:20 Cognition doesn’t happen in the brain; Brain is emulsified crystalline structure that works as an antenna
00:06:30 Corey Goode as a tool to corrupt web bot data; Dealing with courts
00:10:35 What is Woo? Dark ages woo; Indigenous cultures
00:16:09 Normieland
00:17:30 Acceleration of normies awakening to the woo
00:21:48 Insider whistleblower predictions; Change in humanity due to fighting the bug
00:25:25 Unburying – Industrialized pedophilia
00:28:18 Picking up original release of COVID; Animals affected
00:33:42 Coined the term SOC (Self-Organizing Collective) in 1994; Poet of GlobalRev1; Jordan Sather was right there; NSA = No Such Agencies; Spaceforce; Paul Furber was an 8chan board owner when Q started
00:39:30 Won’t provide whitehat list; Blackhat list includes CCP, Catholic Church, Knights of Malta, Freemasons, Fabian Society, Pendergast Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Tavistock Institute, Epstein, Bill Gates, George Soros; Pedophilia holds it together; Adrenochrome is the industrialized process that binds the group together; The Bug; Organ sales
00:46:35 Adrenochrome for sale in Los Angeles in 1968 for $4000; 6000 years old; Hansel & Gretel was reference to Adrenochrome; German Inquisition killed women to harvest orphans; Movie: “Death Become Her”
00:53:15 Vaccine Agenda
01:01:55 What will the final showdown look like? Surprise; Normies will feel the hairs rise up on back of their necks; SOC will merely give direction
Home – The Sean Morgan Report
The Sean Morgan Report The Sean Morgan ReportA LEADING VOICE IN THE GREAT AWAKENING support sean’s workWhat Is the Sean Morgan Report?2020 was the year of the “plandemic”. It was a time when millions of people woke up to the corruption within our national and international institutions. I started a YouTube channel in that year