Michael Levin’s work on the electrical network of cells serves as a launchpad to better understand the “millions of layers” involved in how the body works, as well as creating a scientific explanation for things like kundalini experiences.
- 00:19 As forecast, we’ve gone through emotional tension bumps; Example: Fauci bitch slapped by Rand Paul; COVID crap is crapping out; It has been decided that Biden has to go…probably end of Feb; Pandemic must be fazed out;
- 06:30 Washington State concentration camp law
- 10:42 Clif’s letters to state legislators and assistants about Devolution
- 14:42 Michael Levin – Electrical network among cells; Ions; Ionophores; Milioni di strati = millions of layers; Tooth example;
- 28:40 Milioni di strati
– Base Cellular Network
– Systemic Cellular Network
– Intra Systemic Cellular Network
– Ki
– Shen/Jing
– Awareness, I-ness - 34:00 Experiences explained electrically…
– Kundalini rising
– All enlightenment
– Telepathy
– Mind control - 36:50 Orthomolecular.org
- 41:05 Current events
- 42:45 Kazakhstan; Ashtana
- 45:18 Christopher Walken – The Lion Story (youtube)
- 48:20 Magnetizing Reality; Submarine running on magnets rather than propellers
Direct video link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4t7bWnptaNOS/