16% of federal budget is used to keep things secret. Add 18% for the fake healthcare industry and that means that 34% of US budget is going into nonproductive activities.
- 02:22 Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates are only faces for WEF. There are higher-ups pulling the strings; Bloom of Antarctica info coming soon
- 04:30 UFO interaction with humans since 1947 was shrouded in secrecy
- 08:00 Untold money going into secrecy apparatus; 16% of federal budget; Embarresing classified material; 18% in WEF healthcare system
- 12:30 Federal Reserve is collapsing; Central bank global structure coming down
- 15:00 Big pop of awareness where normies won’t be able to reconcile with reality
- 17:05 Increasing economic and financial chaos over August; Disruption in defense contracting industry; Contractor will start selling secrets
- 21:10 State governments suffering because they are unable to create money like Feds
- 24:19 100,000 subcontractors and federal employees will stop getting paid by the end of the year
- 25:50 Clif High’s Pure Sleep does not have melatonin; GABA is a precursor to HGH