Evidence that yogurt or kefir with L Reuteri & L Gasseri protects against ionization and radiation. The arrival of competing interest rate increases.
- 00:45 Trading in info; Exposure to ionized air; L Reuteri & L Gasseri against ionization and radiation
- 15:20 Radiation from space alien ships
- 17:55 Space alien timing
- 22:45 More construction sunk off the coast of India than on land
- 24:00 Throwaway statement that embeds itself in people’s minds and gets them excited about the subject
- 25:45 Crack Up Boom; Nikolai Kondratiev; Competing interest rate increases
- 30:40 SciFi world estimated for 2026
Direct audio link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/crack-up-boom
From one curmudgeon to another, thank you for your contributions to my continual enlightenment Clif.