20240326 – Jean-Claude #11 with Jsnip4
The day the cargo ship brought down the Baltimore bridge, Clif joins Jean-Claude and Jsnip4 to consider the larger ramifications. Alternate Video Links
The day the cargo ship brought down the Baltimore bridge, Clif joins Jean-Claude and Jsnip4 to consider the larger ramifications. Alternate Video Links
Data sets indicate a Deagel-style population collapse by the end of the year and many penetrated normies will flip out when they realize what’s been done to them. Direct audio…
Clif provides additional details about the supplementation he used for recovery post cancer surgery and explains why he thinks chemtrails are composed of coal ash. Direct audio link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/cancer-and-chemies
Integral to our emerging scifi world will be foundries for “growing” smart materials and zero-point technologies that will “self-organize” in ways to continually to leapfrog previous understanding. Direct audio link:…
A recent NASA report described 40-mile-long plasma “jellyfish” beings. This is a different form of plasma than what was used in Elohim plasma-powered weapons and vehicles. Direct audio link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/plasma-and-shit
Lots of personalities in the alt community were duped into partnering with The Wellness Company (TWC) and are now dealing with the chaos and consequences. Direct audio link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/dramedy-at-twc-corral
Steep increase in UFO activity and a mass UFO sighting at an event this summer will ultimately lead to the revealing to the public of zero point technologies by government…