20131125 – Red Ice Radio #3
Much of this program is about the failing establishment financial system and how bitcoin is Universe’s answer. Direct audio link: https://redice.tv/red-ice-radio/bandwidth-caps-bitcoin-ison-and-nummo-origins
Much of this program is about the failing establishment financial system and how bitcoin is Universe’s answer. Direct audio link: https://redice.tv/red-ice-radio/bandwidth-caps-bitcoin-ison-and-nummo-origins
Clif High was willing to stand against the reality distortion fields of David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford before it was popular to do so. Direct audio link: https://redicemembers.com/shows/red-ice-interviews/the-mass-arrests-claim-fulford-wilcock-and-fukushima-time-bubble (Members Only)
First hour is almost entirely dedicated to a technical description of how the Web Bot works. Hour two includes lots of space-related discussion – new energies, Big Squeeze, Extinction Level…