20091010 – Journeys with Rebecca Jernigan #8
Global Coastal Event’s effect on Australia along with the changing Yin Yang energies of the planet.
Global Coastal Event’s effect on Australia along with the changing Yin Yang energies of the planet.
Speculation on the “Ill Winds” and possibilities of Russian SKENAR technology.
This show includes discussion about interplanetary changes, the bright future of Cuba, and the Dog Poet.
This interview covers Issues 5 & 6 of the ALTA Reports which include undeniable changes to weather, earth, and humanity due to the Big Magnetic Squeeze.
Touches on a wide variety of data from the latest ALTA report, including Seymour Hersh’s claim about Cheney’s assassination squads.
Lots of discussion around catastrophic earth changes including the possibility of an extinction level event due to our Solar System crossing through the galactic plane.
What happens after the collapse of the Dollar? Diaspora and house squatters. No hope and change during Obama administration due to filling cabinet with Council on Foreign Relations people.
This 2-hour show with Rebecca Jerigan provides significant depth on lots of Web Bot themes including some of Clif’s early thoughts on Self-Organizing Collectives (SOCs) that adopt BOGS (Beyond Organized/Government…