20221114 – Bix Weir #12
Clif High joins Bix Weir to explain how we are seeing only the tip of the iceberg of the FTX debacle and paints possible scenarios for Veritaseum and silver. Direct…
Clif High joins Bix Weir to explain how we are seeing only the tip of the iceberg of the FTX debacle and paints possible scenarios for Veritaseum and silver. Direct…
Considering the role of silver and the collapse of civilizations in addition to the approaching Ice Age glaciation, mass die-offs and the breakdown of systems, Kazakhstan offers a fair representation…
Wide-ranging discussion of data showing a spike in emotions, speculation of secrets revealed in Antarctica, and Clif patent on magnet technology. Direct video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ14HzIZZ1o
Latest details for proactively dealing with the “Sun Disease”, including Vitamin C, D, and Chaga. Introduction of Pure Sleep. Direct video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoDx5QdSdrY
Deep discussion of the newly-emerging bioweapon, its effects on supply chains, and how to harden the body against it. Direct video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuZEpAqK0S0
Initial speculations from the very early days of Sun Disease (COVID) about possible severity and effects on businesses and supply chains. Direct video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3N4G1MCz94
The Soaring Twenties report provides a background in which Clif describes the crystallization of the Control vs Freedom divisions of society…Static vs Dynamic and Famine vs Innovation. Direct video link:…
In this rare in-person interview, Clif talks about blockchain technology leading to decentralized society and providing optimism about the future. Part 3 of 3 Continued from Part 2 Direct video…
In this rare in-person interview, Bix and Clif discuss lots of future tech including new materials, distributed power, Mandela Effects as possible result of quantum computers, and more! Part 2…
In this rare in-person interview, Bix and Clif dive deep into health issues and finish up with the story of the origin of the Blue Chicken Cult – Part 1…