Category: Bix Weir

Clif High and Bix Weir

Convenient archive of all Clif High appearances on Bix Weir’s Road to Roota show.

20191028 – Bix Weir #6

The Soaring Twenties report provides a background in which Clif describes the crystallization of the Control vs Freedom divisions of society…Static vs Dynamic and Famine vs Innovation. Direct video link:…

20190729 – Bix Weir #5

In this rare in-person interview, Clif talks about blockchain technology leading to decentralized society and providing optimism about the future. Part 3 of 3 Continued from Part 2 Direct video…

20190725 – Bix Weir #4

In this rare in-person interview, Bix and Clif discuss lots of future tech including new materials, distributed power, Mandela Effects as possible result of quantum computers, and more! Part 2…