There have been questions about how to donate. Apparently, others find this tool as useful as we do. This project is a labor of love and the intention is to continue, donations or not. However, throwing us a bone will be tangible evidence of how much this work is appreciated and may inspire us to — even more quickly — implement many other features we’ve been dreaming of…not to mention the huge amount of Clif videos (and audios) yet to be added.
Thank You, Humans!
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New to Bitcoin?
Check out the Strike App. If you are comfortable with CashApp, Vimeo, or PayPal, you can handle Strike. Built on top of the bitcoin/lightning network, so it skips the generations and layers of complexity in the old banking system with its EFTs, credit cards, bank branches, the Fed, SWIFT, etc. Use Strike as an umbrella system between your bank account or credit card and anyone else in the world, no matter what currency with virtually zero fees. Be your own bank!
Stike is the software on top of which El Salvador built the Chivo wallet for its citizens when bitcoin was made legal tender in that country.
Watch these videos with Strike creator, Jack Mallers to get feel for where he is coming from…
Jack Mallers’ Emotional Announcement of Bitcoin as Legal Tender in El Salvador
Near-Endless List of Jack Mallers Interviews on YouTube