Clif High Library

Clif High Library

This is a collection of books that Clif High deems as important to humanity—or at least influential—based on the number of times he mentions them.

On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon, Part 1 (Kozyrev)

Thinking and Destiny (Harold W. Percival)

Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses

“Go buy this book…it’s all about how you mind-control the masses. And it’s short, it’s encapsulated, the guy doesn’t fuck around, he gets right to the point. And it’s a very good…encapsulation that’ll get you up to speed quick. And you can read it and hand it on to somebody so they that get up to speed as well and they see how they are being manipulated. Once you know that Tavistock is fucking with your mind, it doesn’t work anymore.”
— Clif High, 20220807 – Narradigm: Errata

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20230425 – Parallelsprache
  2. 20220807 – Narradigm: Errata
  3. 20220804 – Narradigm: CBDC
  4. 20220728 – Food Narradigm
  5. 20211129 – Bitcoin Ben
  6. 20211123 – Catherine Edwards #2
  7. 20211114 – Woo Flavors
  8. 20211104 – All Things Woo Woo
  9. 20211002 – Buttermilk Woo
  10. 20200313 – Bix Weir #9
  11. 20210909 – Sean Morgan

Vernadsky / The Biosphere

Boscovich / A Theory of Natural Philosophy

“One of my favorite guys in science is Boscovich. He was a physicist and…rose high in the Jesuit power structure relative to science (not the religious or political)…in the 1600s.”
— Clif High, 20220730 – Narradigm Investigations
“The definitive work on the understanding of the aether from the Byzantine Empire that had spent 1100 years thinking about it.”
— Clif High, 20220111 – Jordan Sather

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20230509 – Stars Shine
  2. 20220730 – Narradigm Investigations
  3. 20220111 – Jordan Sather
  4. 20220108 – Wooology
  5. 20211130 – Trench Woo
  6. 20210918 – Put the Woo Down and No One Gets Hurt!
  7. 20211031 – Das Woo Brot
  8. 20211002 – Buttermilk Woo
  9. 20230117 – Half Off WEF…

The Naked Bible: The Truth about the most famous book in history

“[Biglino] is the man the Catholic Church goes to to get their translations… Knows more about the bible than anybody in the Vatican… also the translator that the Jewish Rabbis go to… His “Naked Bible” will totally change your understanding of the bible and where humans are related to the history of all of this.”
— Clif High, 20220427 – DOJO->Faith

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20230705 – Macro behavior…
  2. 20230329 – Linguistic Mucking About
  3. 22030203 – Lee Merritt Interview #1c
  4. 20230203 – Lee Merritt Interview #1a
  5. 20230131 – Rafi Farber Interview
  6. 20221128 – World War WEF
  7. 20220804 – Narradigm: Religion
  8. 20220427 – DOJO->Faith
  9. 20130215 – WuJo: Human Origins and Biblical Misrepresentations
  10. 20120510 – Red Ice Radio #2

Codex Oera Linda

“[4000-year] oral tradition of the Saxen people…did not tolerate slavery… Original sin was called ‘name stealing’ or stealing of titles.”
— Clif High, 20211203 – Yule Woo

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20230430 – ALGIZ
  2. 22030203 – Lee Merritt Interview #1c
  3. 20230203 – Lee Merritt Interview #1a
  4. 20221228 – TEOTCAWKI
  5. 20220506 – DOJO->Medbeds & the Cathari
  6. 20211231 – Lost in the Woo
  7. 20211203 – Yule Woo

The Citizen’s Guide to 5th Generation Warfare

“Flynn’s new book is literally 5×5. :)”
— Clif High

Where Clif talked about this book…

1666 Redemption Through Sin

“Zionism originated near the end of the last Kali Yuga in 1668. It came from a man who was convinced to claim the status of messiah to the jews by his handler. This man ate ergot contaminated rye bread to induce visions & hallucinations which he took to be the voice of his personal guiding EL. One of these trips resulted in the Zionism movement idea. Zionism was created from a premise of Redemption through Sin.”
Clif High, X Post – November 22, 2023

Where Clif talked about this book…

America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization

“About an ancient civilization that was on our continent. And that our continent is not the new home of humanity but is the old one and we were wiped off this continent 13,000 years ago.”
— Clif High, 20190720 – Sarah Westall #8b

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20190630 – The Higherside Chats #2
  2. 20190720 – Sarah Westall #8b

The Hundred-year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower

“How to have a sneaky war…how to infiltrate, over the course of 40 or 50 years, into the institutions of the enemy you wish to conquer and then have a war in which the enemy does not recognize they are at war until the last of them has died.”
— Clif High, 20220127 – Patel Patriot Devolution #2

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20220127 – Patel Patriot Devolution #2
  2. 20211024 – Wu Wei Woo

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures

“The writers of The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, the Coptics, spent a lot of time bitching about the early Christians and the Talmudarians.”
— Clif High, 20211231 – Lost in the Woo

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20211231 – Lost in the Woo
  2. 20180119 – Heidi Vandenberg & Jenny Moonstone #1


“If you’re interested in this kind of stuff [behavior, reality and delusions], you can read Sapolsky, his understanding is far better than Freud.”
— Clif High, 20221217 – You Are Delusional

Where Clif talked about this book…

Ingo Swann Books

Ingo Swann, who was an early remote viewer—like one of the very first—wrote a bunch of really cool books…really good thinker. I mean, he really thought deep about stuff in the ESP/psy world… In one of his books—a really good book—he said, “It’s gonna come down to contention between human telepathy and space alien telepathy.”
— Clif High, 20231011 – PsyFi World

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Unanswered Questions About President Kennedy’s Assassination

“My red pill was November 22, 1963. i was 10 years old. 2 years later i was thrown out of school, suspended for the last month of classes prior to summer recess for bringing this book in and having the temerity to read it, in the open, in the cafeteria. i honestly did not have a fucking clue. i was really oblivious to social stuff then. i really think i got the boot for giving the teacher a fit by resisting him taking it from me. i told him that if he kept on trying to pull my book, things were going to get ugly. i was playing keep-away with a teacher over cafeteria tables & his fat ass could not keep up. Not a good look for authority figure. Out i went. An extra 30 days summer vacation…for reading…what could be better? Universe provides and guides. That’s the summer i obtained my first library card at an adult library.”
— Clif High, Dec 13, 2023 Tweet

Worlds in Collision

— Clif High, 20231122 – Sarah Westall #10c

Where Clif talked about this book…

Somebody Else Is on the Moon

“A book by George Leonard…goes through all the facts: How the moon is exactly positioned in order to give us the eclipse effect; Moon is not as it presents itself…Hollow moon…”
— Clif High, 20231027 – Jeane-Claude #10 – Moon

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Pale Fox

Incredible story about what happened to Earth in the way ancient past and why the hominids are here. The Pale Fox tells you why the hominids are here to begin with.
— Clif High, 20230203 – Lee Merritt Interview #1b

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Doors of Perception

Aldous Huxley describes it [hyperspace] as an expansion of consciousness.
— Clif High, 20230121 – Hyper Code Hyper Woo

Where Clif talked about this book…

Liespotting: Proven Techniques to Detect Deception

“Pamala Meyer…she’s really good…She gives you all kinds of clues to guard yourself against deception. And tells you why. Why’s reality so filled with deception and such a bitch. And why we deceive ourselves constantly. And that sort of thing.”
— Clif High, 20120510 – Red Ice Radio #2

Where Clif talked about this book…

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – Cancer Ward

“…you see some of the hints of this in the activities that Solzhenitsyn writes about in the book “Cancer Ward” which was about him surviving a labor camp in Siberia and going to a cancer ward thereafter and his interaction with all the cancer patients, etc.”
— Clif High, 20221203 – Huckleberry of the Living Dead

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Gulag Archipelago

“There’s this really interesting guy—his name is Alexander Solzhenitsyn—he’s a great writer…he wrote a trilogy called The Gulag Archipelago…was all about the former Siberian prison system where the Russki government decided they needed the repopulate Siberia in order to hold it against Chinese advances so they criminalized all kinds of activities, rounded up all kinds of people, and shove them into gulags and made them work the land…”
— Clif High, 20190217 – Clif High YouTube #83

The United States Department of Defense Law of War Manual

“[Law of War Manuel is] rules of procedure for our next phase in law…for our next shift into the Law of War being dominant.”
— Clif High, 20220902 – Narradigm Investigation: Law

Where Clif talked about this book…

Reinventing Collapse

If you really want a clue as to what’s really going to happen, go read Dmitry Orlov’s Reinventing Collapse… He’s a very good analyst. And he examined the United States in light of his experience living through the collapse of the Soviet empire.
— Clif High, 20080925 – Patrick Timpone #1

The Noösphere

The Noosphere is about the elevation of calories out of the biosphere into the thinking process which augments the biosphere and makes it that much more powerful because we are actually participating and reinforcing the cycles that we find ourselves in within the biosphere as we go through life.”
— Clif High, 20220712 – The Big Ugly – Part 1

Where Clif talked about this book…

4th Generation Warfare

4th Generation Warfare is a codified series of concepts that were developed by Boyd…probably one of the best combat-style pilot for the United States… Came up with some new understandings about warfare and so on which have been encapsulated into the little tiny book.”
— Clif High, 20220825 – We Are the Champions of the World

Where Clif talked about this book…

History: Fiction or Science

“You find out that lots of our history is bogus. Repeticoiusly bogus. And it is just a morass. There are at least 1000 years lost in our current history.”
— Clif High, 20211231 – Lost in the Woo

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Lost Millennium

“This is a discussion of Fomenko’s work and how it is so valid that we examine it. Because there are big, damn, soft squishy spots in our history. And there shouldn’t be.”
— Clif High, 20211231 – Lost in the Woo

Where Clif talked about this book…

Asclepius: The Perfect Discourse of Hermes Trismegistus

“What Clif had to say about this book” — Clif High

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Razor’s Edge

“Enlightenment is seeing reality with no filters… The Razor’s Edge is a great book…that is the most accurate description of enlightenment I’ve ever seen… It twists your guts all to hell and gone… Enlightenment is walking on the razor’s edge.” — Clif High

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Creature from Jekyll Island

“What Clif had to say about this book” — Clif High

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Doctrine of Karman in Jain Philosophy

“…really good book..follower of the Jain religion…German fellow [codified]…everything that was known about Karmans in the Jain religion.”20150818 – Clif High YouTube #17

Where Clif talked about this book…

Think and Grow Rich

You gotta THINK in order to grow rich. Which is a good book and you need to buy it if you’ve never read it.20160920 – Clif High YouTube #41

Where Clif talked about this book…

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

You can read of the attempt to engineer the boom and bust cycle out of economic systems. You can read all about this is Taleb’s book about antifragility… Systems are only antifragile to the extent that they can support volatility within them… They have basically doomed the system to becoming extremely vulnerable to the appearance of an asymmetric black swan that was never anticipated.20130426 – Clif High Audio #6

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Mayan Prophecies

Mr Conterell, I believe, is somewhat short-sighted and is simply blinded by a religious perspective. A quick example is that anytime he runs across a two-dimensional representation of the Merkabah, which is the intertwined tetrahedrons that is really a symbol for hyper-dimensional knowledge, he sees it as the Star of David and he makes the assumption that this refers to Judaism… However, if you take it one step further and take a look at some of the math that’s encoded in there—as well as the Merkabah as an actual representation of a hyper-dimensional object, you get a different view entirely.
— Clif High, 20091103 – Jeff Rense #20

Consciousness Explained

There’s this brilliant philosopher by the name of Danial Dennett… he’s got an excellent book called “Consciousness” and it has fascinating mind experiments within it. You’ve got to really sit down and wan to read it because it’s many hundreds of pages long and there are very few pictures. In any event, he defines psychic ability of the mind in a very concrete way as the ability of the mind to detect complex patterns in the seemingly random action of chaos.”
20051004 – Alex Merklinger #5

The Legacy of 1952: Year of the UFO

Shout out to Richard Dolan…he published this book…and it’s pretty good. 1952…was a peak year in terms of total number of sightings and total spread of the total number of sightings… What’s interesting at the moment is the repetition of a cycle that’s 66 years long… 66 years from 1952 was 1886, which was another peak in what we can think of as UFO activity. At the time they were calling them airships.”
20180916 – Clif High YouTube #74

Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus

So the woo is deep, and obscure.
@naomirwolf is running into much of the flotsom around a deeply woo subject. There are those who trace Jesus back to Rome. There are Woo Explorers who find Jesus/Isa/Isuah all the way over in India, post resurrection. Lots to uncover. IMO conclusions should be held tentative, awaiting more info.”
Clif High Tweet Apr 19, 2024

The Holy Science

There’s a lot of yogis that have really mushy thinking. They’re just not really well advanced. There’s a few though. There is a few yogis like Yukteswar… His idea was that he was going to write the book that would unify all the religions so we wouldn’t have all the religious strife…”
— Clif High, 20240531 – It’s Systemic

Opium for the Masses

Read this book. It is NOT opium. It is ‘poppy tea’ which contains SO MANY active biochemicals that you CANNOT extract opium from the tea. You cannot find opium in it. BUT the tea will remove pain. Two small poppy heads will deal with 100 suture level pain for about 6 to 10 hours depending on your body mass. And you will NOT get addicted.
Clif High Tweet #2 June 17, 2024

See also…
Clif High Tweet #1 June 17, 2024

The Fourth Turning

“We’re going through a populous revolution. We’re going through a “Fourth Turning here in the United States. You should go look that up and read the guy’s books.”
— Clif High, 20240630 – Economic Ecology of the ELohim

Love in the Time of Cholera

“That’s actually a title of a book by the guy by the name of Gabriel García Márquez. Very incredible book!.. Incredible writer. Beloved by the Russians. He wrote “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and that one will just crush you. Just grabs you by the throat a crushes you. Which is why the Russians like it. That’s just the nature of the people there. But he was highly lauded by the Soviets. And even today he’s well respected in Russian literary circles.”
— Clif High, 20200207 – Clif High YouTube #102

Recommended Authors

Michael Cremo Books
Patrick Geryl Books

I’ve been rather intensely upset for that first week because I love mathematics and mathematics has never lied to me… When the math validated this Patrick Geryl position on some stuff and then I was able to add further reinforcement to his already pretty rigorous research, it made for some uncomfortable sleeping indeed.”
— Clif High, 20091103 – Jeff Rense #20

Richard Feynman Books

I’m a true scientist in the sense that Richard Feynman defines the term… ‘A scientist is someone that the experts know what the f*ck they are talking about’ and, therefore, factchecks them.”
— Clif High, 20190217 – Clif High YouTube #83

Buckminster Fuller Books

Buckminster Fuller lived in the 1920s…really a genius…invented lots of shit…he discovered that the secret of Universe is to go out and help people and Universe will reward you… One of the things he was brilliant at was Energy Calculus.”
— Clif High, 20230220 – Speed of Thought or Teaching Your Legislator to Think!

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20230830 – Woo-Hoo!
  2. 20230220 – Speed of Thought or Teaching Your Legislator to Think!
  3. 20211104 – Center for Populist Urban Politic
  4. 20210928 – David Nino Rodriguez #1
  5. 20180730 – Forum Borealis: Antarctica Unveiled – Part 3 of 4
  6. 20170625 – Off Planet Radio #1
  7. 20111102 – Sun Sky Mysteries Interview

Graham Hancock Books

There’s a real good thinker on the planet now—this guy Graham Hancock—and he’s got this theory about most of the coastal areas of the planet where all inundated in a rise of water by about 120 meters and certain areas recovered first. One of these areas was the Indus River Valley. And another area was what we currently call the Bagdad or Iraq area… There’s a mythos that is connected with these areas, both the Indus River Valley and the area we now know as Bagdad that, indeed, these were the centers, if you will, of communication and transportation.”
0050906 – Alex Merklinger #4

Richard Hoagland Books

Iapetus has a particular shape—looks like a giant seed, it’s hexagonal and so on—it’s really worth reading the excellent work that Richard Hoagland did in compiling all the various anomalies and why it shouldn’t be that way and then also to not that it is remarkably similar to spheres that are being dug up in South Africa.
0050906 – Alex Merklinger #4

Linus Pauling Books

I’m quite convinced that Linus Pauling, Adam Hoffer, and a few of the cohorts in the late 60s and early 70s were correct in their conclusions about what cancer was and how to deal with it… Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel prize winner, staggeringly brilliant, and cutoff and just isolated by the American Medical Association and their various little weasel associations because he was telling people things that could not make them money.”
— Clif High, 20190217 – Clif High YouTube #83

Walter Russell Books

I read Walter Russell back in the early 60s and then again in the 70s. I’ve got the entire collection of his works. Even have a very high quality production of “The Universal One” which is his ontology or cosmology. He doesn’t use any math in his description of physics which is why he was discounted by all of the physicists in our social order because they’re all based around a math framework—if you don’t do math, you don’t count.”
— Clif High, 20240524 – Complex vs Complicated

Common Law Section

County Sheriff’s Common Law Handbook

Get a copy….then you have source material for your discussion with your local deputies. Do they know their responsibilities? Do YOU?”
Clif High Tweet Apr 15, 2024

Common Law Community Training Manual

Be a revolutionary American….”
Clif High Tweet Apr 15, 2024

Common Law Handbook

Common Law….educate your dumb ass…”
Clif High Tweet Apr 15, 2024

Common Law Court Handbook

Common Law….educate your dumb ass…”
Clif High Tweet Apr 15, 2024

Homeschool Section

Wheelock’s Latin

If you teach latin at homeschool, investigate Wheelocks’ Latin. Written in 1945 & best self-taught course IMO as it works from the Latin (some stoic) classics & brings deep thoughts to the content. Also look into Latin Key Words (top 2000 most used words). Good for self test.Clif High Tweet Nov 4, 2020

Latin Key Words

If you teach latin at homeschool, investigate Wheelocks’ Latin. Written in 1945 & best self-taught course IMO as it works from the Latin (some stoic) classics & brings deep thoughts to the content. Also look into Latin Key Words (top 2000 most used words). Good for self test.Clif High Tweet Nov 4, 2020

Mathematics for the Million

This is exactly why i am urging home school lessons to be made from concepts in Loom of Language & Math for the Million. A market is growing for them even as you read this.” — Clif High Tweet Feb 19, 2021

The Loom of Language

This is exactly why i am urging home school lessons to be made from concepts in Loom of Language & Math for the Million. A market is growing for them even as you read this.” — Clif High Tweet Feb 19, 2021

More books already covered…

So when we rebuild our educational system…my thought is that we teach just core knowledge & let them get the rest by their inclination:

Teach them to read for content & think.

Clif High Tweet Feb 9, 2023



Learn to THINK ~!~ It won’t hurt quite as much as you imagine…
Clif High Tweet Apr 17, 2024

PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story

One of 12 or so basic Shamanic reference texts.
— Clif High, Telegram January 15, 2023

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 22030203 – Lee Merritt Interview #1c
  2. 20230131 – Rafi Farber Interview
  3. Telegram January 15, 2023

TIHKAL: The Continuation

One of 12 or so basic Shamanic reference texts.
— Clif High, Telegram January 15, 2023

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 22030203 – Lee Merritt Interview #1c
  2. 20230131 – Rafi Farber Interview

The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali

You’ll find references to the idea that there are bits of the “wraiths’—source code—floating around…it can’t express itself on its own…
— Clif High, 20230121 – Hyper Code Hyper Woo II

Where Clif talked about this book…

  1. 20230809 – PSI Future
  2. 20230802 – Old Instruction Set…
  3. 20230802 – LK-99
  4. 20230720 – Hidden Space Aliens
  5. 20230121 – Hyper Code Hyper Woo II
  6. 20181031 – Forum Borealis: Beyond the Gates of Death

The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation

It is only to the outside observer that the householder is occupied with his chores.”
— Clif High, May 6, 2023 Tweet

Where Clif talked about this book…

The Chinese Book of Life

Sometimes called the Secret of the Golden flower…shouldn’t be messed with unless you’ve got some serious meditation because you can cause yourself some harm. Although they do have a section in there saying, “If any of this stuff happens to you don’t do it anymore… They found certain techniques for mind control that are not ordinarily practiced and when they are practiced can yield some rather startling results with abilities within the phenomenal world.”
20051004 – Alex Merklinger #5

The Art of Peace

“Lots of use think it’s the next iteration from Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Morihei wrote it as The Art of Peace because he was looking far ahead and what we needed to do as warriors and how we needed to manage ourselves over time.”
— Clif High, 20221207 – 5GW

Where Clif talked about this book…

Japanese Yoga

“You can go get the book Japanese Yoga… Probably the vast majority of them will read a little bit of the intro and then let it sit. They won’t be doing the work at the moment. But this is one of those things where the Universe provides and it guides. And sometimes you have to have these thoughts repeatedly before you actually act on them. There has to be some form of impetus.”
— Clif High, 20240905 – How to PEE

Vital Point Strikes

“You are going to have to fight. Learn to do it efficiently.
19 Lethal points on the human body.
49 Paralyzing points.
36 Tactical points.
Good book & you end up learning the meridian system for healing self & others in a TCM way.”
— Clif High, Nov 28, 2023 Tweet

Clif High's Pure Sleep
Clif High Necessities
C60 Purple Power