Lock-up of property transfers, rise of SOCs to deal with squatters, and National Guard deployment to protect banks.
- 00:02:20 How Clif and George Ure connected; Prediction vs Interpretation
- 00:06:45 “Attack on the Assemblage”
- 00:08:45 Longwave economics; Movie theater metaphor to release language; Advanced knowledge
- 00:13:35 Dean Raden; Princeton Eggs; Lindsay Wagner precognition about plane crash
- 00:17:45 Nailed 6.3 earthquake in Hawaii
- 00:19:45 Fear as context; Bespoke term
- 00:24:35 Veterans taking over monuments; Invasion of Iran or fear of invasion of Iran?
- 00:28:00 Memering – Someone is planting and harvesting memes
- 00:30:23 Ron Paul’s success
- 00:40:00 Lock-up of property transfers; SOCs around homes/squatters
- 00:42:40 Why Clif is building a sailboat; Global Coastal Event
- 00:52:28 Possible ATM failure; National Guard deployed to protect banks
- 00:55:44 Bushista entity
- 00:59:00 Diaspora
- 01:04:00 Strong female global social unifier; Anitchrist; Clif is not Christian; Israeli Mistake
- 01:09:00 Not using the Web Bot to make money in the market; Pattern recognition
- 01:12:15 Seed vault; Alphabet guys moving to Denver
- 01:16:32 Freewill and self-determination
- 01:18:00 Caller 1: Diesel inflation leads to “restrictions on movement” and “encounters with scarcity”
- 01:22:30 Caller 2 & 3: “Obstruction” involving US military
- 01:25:45 Caller 4: influence of palindromic words; Military actions
- 01:28:00 Huge emotional spike around Super Bowl; Caller 5: Pick up on general trends
- 01:30:53 Caller 6: Money Matrix of the New World Order – Depression of Biblical proportions; Global Coastal Event and 2012
- 01:34:26 George Ure’s future plans – building out homestead and preparing for kids to stay
- 01:36:18 Buckminster Fuller; Inattention to the people in power lead to our problems
- 01:38:00 Caller: Planet X metaphor to Web Bot data; Realignment with cyclical thinking; Hard path is probably the one to take
- 01:43:48 Universe favors humanity; Richard Hoagland; Humans exist on Mars, Earth, and the Moon
- 01:46:33 Devaluation of the French Franc and currency swap in 1960s; Are small banks superior?; FDIC insurance; Federal Reserve H3 Report
Note: Our commitment is to provide links to original sources so they get the credit and traffic. Unfortunately, the Coast to Coast audios aren’t embeddable. Also, we’ve manage to scrounge up some old programs that do not seem to be available in the C2C archives. Thankfully, they graciously granted us permission to host the “Coast to Clif files”. This is a great enhancement for listener convenience, but also helps to ensure that the shows won’t be lost to time.
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