Understandably, this show includes lots on preparation, growing your own food, as well as the value of sunlight and fitness.
- 00:01:00 About the Web Bot program; Screwy Theory 153
- 00:06:18 Banda Aceh earthquake; Northeast Power Outage
- 00:15:08 Swine Flu Vaccination; Depopulation program; Tamiflu; Vitamin D; Creation of Vitamin D by sunlight
- 00:20:00 Food Storage; Growing your own food; Biointensive.org; Guerilla Gardening
- 00:36:00 SOCs (Self-Organizing Collective); Catherine Austin Fitts – Solari.com
- 00:38:00 Revolution Meme
- 00:53:00 Neighborhood power; Books on gleaning, edible plants
- 01:00:10 Effect of Dollar Death on US military bases
- 01:08:25 Ill Winds; Israeli Mistake
- 01:22:50 Self-taught microbiologists will help tumble the Powers That Be and prepare us for what comes next
- 01:26:40 Christianity, Judaism, Muhamadism were engineered; External savior meme is engineered
- 01:31:40 Aikido
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