Off-the-cuff thoughts after previewing this month’s data. Central banks are blind to their coming demise and the rise of individuals as the new economic movers and shakers.
- 00:00:32 Last week’s IDIR: Irish place names confirmed in collapse of Irish banks; Also the Boston bombing
- 00:08:25 Data for upcoming week appears to be financial
- 00:15:00 Food poisonings; Poison meme rising
- 00:20:00 Radiation poisoning; Hemps seeds to protect from radiation
- 00:26:10 Gold and silver sets are encouraging
- 00:31:30 Disbelief of official market info and prices; Masses will start accumulating as shortages become known
- 00:37:30 Bitcoin recognized as planetary solution; Bitcoin is more than a commodity and a currency; It replaces the entire system
- 00:43:55 Central banks are blind to their coming demise
- 00:51:30 Some major corporations to start using bitcoin
- 00:58:50 Power shift in economy; Rise of individuals who will be new economic movers and shakers; Buckminster Fuller-type people
- 01:01:50 Common individuals will start to shine after being repressed; New Renaissance
- 01:10:00 Production company inadvertently brings focus to chemtrails
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