Clif High provides lots of details on the Electric Universe, Helical model of the Solar System, and changes caused by the Expanding Earth.
- 00:00:48 Indian Point Nuclear Plant
- 00:02:50 Planet X; Nibiru; E-Ring in Pentagon
- 00:05:52 Electric Universe; Planetary Scaring
- 00:10:30 Expanding Earth; Mathematician Bhat; DJ Sadhu solar system animation on YouTube; Radioactive decay rates have changed
- 00:19:30 Space is not a vacuum
- 00:22:00 Revelation 12; Large earthquake in North America; Humans are pattern-recognition machines
- 00:25:55 No pole shift
- 00:30:00 CERN; Chemtrails; Fluoride in water; Fly ash slurry
- 00:39:00 Brain is a liquid crystal antenna; Chemtrails and dehydration
- 00:42:45 Rogue waves; Neal Adams Expanding Earth animations
- 00:50:00 Bank failures and money problems; Deflationary Depression
- 00:52:50 Clif’s discovery of bitcoin in 2009
- 00:58:40 Scott Peterson Trial; Data Masking
- 01:04:08 War in Yemen leads to destruction of House of Saud
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Hey Rex: We tried to contact you through facebook and X for your feedback. We strive to link to content of original interviewer to send them the traffic and SEO link love. After your original interviews with Clif were removed from YouTube, we found backups and uploaded them to our alternative channels. We will be happy to link to the videos on your channels if you make them available.
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