Clif High discusses his October 2016 ALTA Report with members of the Web Bot Forum. Interesting points include: Internet run by phone companies, logistics of possible breakaway civilization, and elites generally losing control.
- 00:01:27 Crescendo end of globalism; Flight from Mason lodges; Trans-shipment of cotton; 2020s innovation wave;
- 00:08:20 BREXIT
- 00:18:30 Irish Banking System; Irish creative protest
- 00:27:40 Powers That Be won’t choose Mad Max route; Depopulation; Black Death
- 00:32:50 Rothschilds
- 00:33:45 Bill Joy: Does the Future Need Us?
- 00:39:50 American Aggression
- 00:42:00 Pole Vaulting analogy
- 00:46:33 Data leads to more optimism than a decade ago
- 00:56:00 Data gaps; Possible internet damage; Rise of video
- 01:01:22 Dark Web; Telephone companies run the internet
- 01:05:00 Internet marketing; SEO
- 01:15:00 Alternate timelines; $650 bitcoin; Is CERN messing with time?
- 01:19:15 Breakaway civilization; $9 Trillion
- 01:28:50 Federal Reserve becomes irrelevant
- 01:30:50 Failure of insurance companies and banks; Small community banks, credit unions
- 01:38:20 “Data disease” in Housing; Property title mess
- 01:46:20 Earthquakes and fault lines
- 01:54:20 New Electrics
- 01:57:50 Deep Sea cold water heat exchange to generate electricity
- 02:00:50 New Renaissance
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