Wizards, warlocks, and sorcerers: Insights into the attempts to influence the 2016 election with spiritual manipulation.
YouTube Description: A discussion of why some people think ‘spirit cooking’ works.
i lay out the framework of the energy universe and how it pertains to and supports some aspects of what we call ‘majic’.
A few hints as to how to protect yourself from vibration disturbances such as majic.
- 00:45 Matterium; Universe pulses at 22 trillion times per second; Eyes perceive 24-60 fps
- 04:15 Why spirit cooking works
- 05:50 Brain is an amazing antenna…tub of emulsified oil filled with nano-crystals; Entrainment
- 09:05 Why their spirit cooking failed; Not connected to source; Sorcerer; Magician
- 16:05 We are energy beings; Dehydration
- 20:30 Characteristics of sorcerers
- 23:38 CERN; Big Mistake
- 28:00 Conquerors no longer use war
- 30:00 Suffering of pedophiles
- 24:00 Freemasonry
- 37:35 Fulvic minerals
Direct video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iKuC0fyGdo