There are so many segments critical to society that are now in the shitter that one has to wonder if it’s proof of aliens because they are the only ones benefiting.
YouTube Description: critical thinking – #shitstorm – The case for space aliens
last few videos & interviews failed to make it past the algo processing. Hopefully this one is innocuous & slides into place.
Analysis of shitstorm & who could benefit. & how/why most of the proffered potential benefactors are not doing well under the circumstances.
- 01:24 Que bene? Who benefits?; COG (Continuity of Government) is hellacious to staff
- 04:40 3% Rule – 3% is all it takes for revolution
- 07:27 Deep State is in the shitter; Q is in the shitter; Magazines recycles articles every two years
- 10:40 Big Agriculture is dead; Food riots
- 13:10 Big Finance is dying; Computer industry is failing
- 17:22 Big Pharma no longer supplied from CCP; Big Military is dead in the water
- 19:35 Big Media and Academia being exposed; Big Telcos – Failure to rollout 5G
- 24:50 Only group the may be benefitting are Space Aliens;
- 31:35 The world’s of Normies are being rocked
- 33:45 Importance of expanding garden
- 38:30 The Q world has gone David Wilcock
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