Dr Paul Cottrell, George Webb, and Clif High have a freewheeling conversation laying out scenarios around COVID: How bad it might get and geopolitical implications.

  • 00:01:11 Five Is report out of Australia focuses on CCP’s role in the bioweapon production and their hoarding; CCP’s driving ethic is furthering the ends of CCP
  • 00:07:20 Importance of Vitamin D and Vitamin C
  • 00:16:13 Fauci background and the Republican strategy around him
  • 00:18:50 Key Temporal Marker around Sun Disease is mainstream recognition nutraceuticals and how dirty our elite is relative to the bioweapons program; George Webb’s material showing up in mainstream a month or two later
  • 00:21:40 Year Zero
  • 00:24:00 Developing the perfect bioweapon; Gain of Function
  • 00:27:35 C60
  • 00:34:00 CCP spending huge amounts of money on social media marketing and disinfo
  • 00:39:00 Operation Warp Speed = new Manhattan Project
  • 00:48:00 5G is shit!; Not enough military personnel for serious government control
  • 00:52:45 Jeffrey Prather – Will the military go after American citizens if they revolt; Why smart dust and such won’t work with 5G; Possible attack scenarios that are easily countered; Casserolla uprising
  • 01:15:10 Create incentives to cause the change we want to see; Chinese accusing US athletes of being the original COVID spreaders
  • 01:21:45 C60 provides an alternative pathway to cleanout COVID residue; Moderna looking at C60 as a delivery vehicle
  • 01:25:40 Geopolitical impact of COVID; One Shot War scenario
  • 01:36:50 Attack on the US oil business; Fall of Mecca and Medina; Breakdown of food distribution system: Universe rewards for creation of value
  • 01:44:35 Must rebuild social order; Globalism has died; Wuhan was largest producer of magnets
  • 01:50:00 3-hour productivity gain with stay-at-home workers; Local food systems;
  • 01:58:55 Recommendation for coders; Learn Lisp; Make local markets efficient

Direct video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn50eplayvc

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