Lots of discussion around the science and possible meanings behind crop circles.
- 02:30 crop circle swirlies | Clif’s original CerealSwirlies zip file
- 15:00 CropCircleConnector.com; Jellyfish crop circle
- 23:00 Slight differential
- 27:50 Buckminster Fuller Synergetics; Electric Universe
- 32:00 Indian head dress crop circle; Symbols of an Alien Sky;
- 38:45 11/11 synchronicity; Breaking in of the Vatican
- 40:50 Mandated Vaccinations
- 47:05 Zbigniew Brzezinski afraid of global political awakening
Note: Our commitment is to provide links to original sources so they get the credit and traffic. We have not been able to find the original link for the audio file above, so we chose to host it ourselves in an effort to archive it and make it accessible to everyone. Please notify us if you find the original.