Interview with Clif a few days after the release of his latest, hair-raising ALTA report on a possible magnetic pole shift.
- 00:05:45 Clif joins show; Climate change; Isaac Asimov’s Oscillation Factor between extreme temperatures
- 00:08:00 Robert Phelix book Not by Fire but by Ice; Book about magnetic reversals; Crustal shift
- 00:12:15 Antarctica ice presumptions;
- 00:17:00 Earth’s equatorial bulge locks-in continents so they can’t shift around; Maurice Cotrell and Patrick Geryl; Great Pyramid; Egyptian Inch; Giza Plateau = land mass center of Earth
- 00:26:10 Instantly frozen wooly mammoth in Siberia; Poles are cold because magnetic poles bring down cold from space;
- 00:29:50 Leak of ancient technology; Assassinated archeologists; Earth needs recharge from Sun; Sun Disease
- 00:33:50 TPTB will try to survive underground
- 00:37:30 Schism in the military; Context change; Illegal Aliens; Death of the Dollar; Gold and Silver Panic to Buy
- 00:44:00 Coagulation of Federal Government – chopping off pieces of itself to survive
- 00:46:05 Israeli Mistake
- 00:49:10 Norway Swirl
- 00:53:40 Rural Southwest
- 00:57:25 EMP or CME; Illuminati in panic mode; Headlines: “Ill Winds”; Israeli Mistake and contaminated jet stream
- 01:06:40 Best place to live/prepare/survive
- 01:11:10 Relevance to Revelations; Bible
- 01:13:40 Saskatchewan drainage canals; Torrential rains
- 01:17:20 Reduction in UFO sightings; Alien Wars; 3rd generation nigh vision goggles; Ed Grimsley; Gary McKinnon
- 01:24:20 Patrick Geryl; growing length between catastrophic cycles means next one is far worse
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