Realization that the Sun Disease language that appeared since the very beginning of Web Bot reports corresponds amazingly with COVID-19.
YouTube Description: description of Sun disease elements from the old ALTA reports & data now matching #covid19 emerging language & projections from the ALTA reports
- 01:47 Clif’s software licensed to a Japanese firm; Vortex software for speed-reading from computer screens; Developed Web Bot ALTA reports
- 04:40 Sun Disease = COVID-19?; Sun = symbol, not necessarily a word; Chinese flag has the Sun; Song about Wuhan mentions a leader named Sun
- 11:35 Rivers in the Sky
- 14:40 2003-2016 data had language that never was included in real-life diseases; COVID included people collapsing and zombie-like; Light poles
- 17:45 Old Meds and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine); Sudden respiratory problems; Secondary infections; Fever as a metric
- 21:05 Sun Disease cultural alterations; Localized supply chains; Diet
- 28:00 Merchant Marine connection
- 29:20 Collapse of healthcare system; Comparison to fungal life cycle; Gut Storming
- 36:25 Chinese flying to LAX
- 41:30 Bloom in jet-setting celebrities
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