Psychedelics at shamanic levels are a legitimate biological technology for discovering the “mysteries” of humanity.
- 00:32 Psychedelics at shamanic levels, hyperspace, and the “mysteries” of humanity; Psychedelics are a biological technology
- 03:45 Book: The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley
- 04:45 Some avoided the Banda Aceh earthquake through a shamanic connection
- 07:00 Talmud
- 08:45 Hyper Code
- 10:25 Conveying a body in Hyperspace
- 17:30 Magnetism
- 19:17 CERN advertisement
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eso = exo = out
terric= land = world
so, esoteric = out of world = enternal
yea – picked that up too! Cliff is fantastic though with speed of thought/ideas & excitement to convey so much in so little time there is an occasional error. Shows we’re listening!