Academics who see the world as complicated are unable to comprehend the holistically complex observations of people like Terrance Howard and Walter Russell.

  • 01:30 Terrance Howard/Joe Rogan interview; Walter Russell; Universal One; Buckminster Fuller; Synergetics
  • 05:27 John Keely; New motive force
  • 21:45 Terrance Howard patents being cited but he’s not being paid; Reggie Middleton patents
  • 25:10 Complexity vs Complicated
  • 28:00 John Keely engine in Russia
  • 33:00 Brett Weinstein criticism of Terrance Howard
  • 39:00 Climate complexity

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2 thoughts on “20240524 – Complex vs Complicated”
  1. Yeah but when humanity works towards creating more daily complexities we begin to establish more ignorance and difficulties in life. Without the procurement of simplicity in our daily lives we fail to safely look after each other more effectively. Increases with our intelligence does not mean we add more complexity to our world and it becomes more complicated. When humans become smarter, we find way’s to simplify our lives throughout all the areas or aspects of civilization. Complexity is clearly a decline or setback. What is the difference between complexity and complication? Complexity is an intricate web of difficulty and complication is the struggle to survive through the complexity. Why would anyone want to implement that within a civilization, why display complexity as our increase of intelligence? Every man and woman alive should realize that both spiritual and technological advances seek to simplify our livelihoods not make them harder. Instead, display your simplicity, and you will appear much more intelligent. I guarantee it!

  2. Moving towards the galactic center.
    Greater intelligence is the result. But what becomes altered?
    – Capacity increase
    – Receptive increase
    – Comprehension increase
    – Remembrance increase
    – Application increase (use what you know)
    The activation/evolution/adaptation/healing and/or alteration of humanity. There will be an increase of neurons that causes the human brain to function better. Civilization is people. The greater people become, the better the civilization functions. Yes, life becomes very simple. Not harder.

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