With the normalization of aliens among us, new slang will develop to distinguish humans from aliens. For example, “chromie” is a combo of chromosome and homie to refer to other humans.
- 01:05 Chromie is the new slang designation for humans vs aliens; Chromie for chromosome
- 03:45 Money disappears in SciFi World; New driving force will be social currency, social status; People will provide you credit based on social status
- 09:00 80 years to fully accommodate the new ZPT technology; Electric car of the 1800s; 50 years between cars and Interstate
- 12:05 No more power lines that deliver 1/1000 of produced energy; No more encryption or secrets due to localized space
- 15:38 Cessation of attempts of shoot down UFOs
- 22:55 Jean-Claude and Jordan Sather interview
Direct video link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/hello-chromies