Clif joins the American Journal show with Harrison Smith on InfoWars to discuss the vast changes humanity can expect with space alien contact and the build-out of Zero Point Technology.
- 01:10 Explanation of Web Bot; Extracting psychic leaks by scraping the internet
- 04:20 Bankers pushed Einstein grit model to block Tesla-type ontology model; CERN Collider is representative for the Grit model; Ontology is consciousness first
- 08:35 Ontology Physics (O Physics) will hugely disrupt the current paradigm; UFOs likely to contact humans outside of officialdom
- 12:30 Space aliens likely to present themselves as hominids
- 14:30 Historical evidence suggests there are evil evidence; Aliens currently making contact are probably well-meaning because they understand karma
- 16:30 Dollar can’t be fixed with tariffs; Hyperinflation is here
- 19:10 Carbon-based currency will never happen; When Dollar dies, everything built on top of it will die, Agenda 2051 > Agenda 2050 > Agenda 2030 > Agenda 2020 driven by fear of return of aliens; Elohim Worship Cult; Observer Effect of gritology; UFOs don’t use diesel engines
- 20:10 As aliens present themselves, all religions die;
- 25:25 Three solutions to Death of Dollar – 1) Fix it (tariffs), 2) Rebirth it (petroleum-based Dollar), 3) Something new
- 27:30 Zero Point Energy (ZPT); Free electricity since early 1800s; Invention Secrecy Act allows government to shut down free energy discoveries; 2/3rds of humanity dies due to no access to energy for basic things; Free energy emerges when Dollar dies
- 31:15 Altered Schuman Resonance would kill all of humanity
- 32:42 Tesla/Trump connection; 13 families controlling wealth in the form of fictitious ownership; Constitution and informed consent
- 35:35 COVID-19 backfire; COVID was nothing compared to space aliens; Xenophobia
- 39:35 Every being will be presented with the ability to be psychic; Humans can predict what’s coming in the event stream; Merging with alien’s perception of Time
- 43:00 Possibility of fake UFO attack;
- 45:00 How to prepare for what’s coming; Play stupid games, win stupid prizes; Fake alien invasion won’t include Contact; Guerilla spreading of ZPT
- 48:05 Japanese Yoga meditation techniques to embraces ontology
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