Hypothetical story about a submarine crew connecting with a strange, giant, super-fast UAP to send proof-of-life signals.

  • 01:05 Hypothetical, fictional story based on some factual background as an Army brat
  • 05:00 Consulting for various government projects
  • 07:45 Submarine scenario; Submarines limited to 40 mph…maybe 60-90 mph in secret; Hydrophonic sound indicates something maybe 500 feet long moving at 500 mph
  • 19:15 Scalar energy involved; The UAP may have been trying to determine if the submarine was conscious; Put feet on cold metal that would conduct to the water outside; Craft is satisfied once it understands there is life inside the submarine.

Direct video link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/an-olde-phartes-story-about-cold

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