A shift of the ages is happens and we are starting 25 years of massive chaos. ZPT should be discovered within a year or so, meaning serious medical devices that work on energy and frequency are coming in about 10 years.

  • 00:25 Shift of the ages stuff always involves huge contention; This time includes our taking responsibility for the trouble we’ve cause for the space aliens
  • 02:50 Space aliens may have a totally different style of organization; It’s likely that they don’t need central government
  • 04:00 Different positions in the galaxy have 10-fold increases in the number of stars and the amount of starlight
  • 05:48 Endeavor to survive 2025; We are receiving might energy from the center of the galaxy and manifesting the increasing of emotional tension throughout the social order
  • 07:09 Kali Yuga = 2400 year period of density; 25 years of massive destruction, 25 years of massive chaos; and 25 years of rebuilding under a new paradigm
  • 12:25 Speed of Light is not a constant
  • 14:15 New US government is preparing for the 25 years of massive chaos
  • 19:45 A few short years after ZPT, we will have start to have authentic medical devices that work on energy and frequency; Jeff Berwick’s Tesla machine; Regrow limbs and teeth
  • 22:40 Over 3000 stitches throughout life

Direct video link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/shift-happens

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