Much to the embarrassment of Clif, remote viewer Dick Allgire wrote the “Clif High Song” back in 2018 or 2019.


Woo woo Woo woo
Clif High

Woo woo man
Possesses intellect unbound
He travelled across the land as he dreamed of the sea
Social linguistics pushing all the boundaries of real reality
His father wants an officer who rose so
The office of the POTUS where he
looked him in the eye
Tell me what did you see wandering down among the Yavapai

Woo woo Woo woo
Clif High

Web bot man
Gatherer of the future
Unleashing all his web bots out in
Gobbling up the consciousness of Bones? and falls in place
Reading the emotion linguistics
Gathering the data from a field afarming
Finding all the markets from temporal swarming

Woo woo Woo woo
Clif High
Woo woo Woo woo
Clif High

Crypto man
Spreader of the Bitcoin gospel
He told us of the blockchain cryptocurrency
Digital wealth coming of a new prosperity
Three Amigos spread the word on YouTube far and wide
Holding on for dear life
It’s a wild wild ride
Hold on Hold on Hold on

Woo woo Woo woo
Clif High
Woo woo Woo woo
Clif High

Direct video link:

Clif High's Pure Sleep
Clif High Library
Clif High Necessities
C60 Purple Power
2 thoughts on “Clif High Song”
  1. Hi! I see you too are having a hard time with the words on Clif’s Woo Woo Song by Dick Allgire too. I asked Dick to give them to me, but haven’t heard anything yet. But I can tell you that the line “What did you see wandering down among the….???” is “Yavapai”. They are a group of American Indians. Their name means “People of the Sun”. They were living along the Colorado River I believe. Here is a little link to them.
    I think Clif spent some of his Childhood with them. 🙂

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