Lots of reading directly from the current ALTA Report. Especially interesting is how much Biden the Babbler” is brought up…more than 14 years ago.
- 00:55 Show begins
- 01:45 Clif joins show; October 7th prediction of collapse; How predictive linguistics works
- 05:48 Chinese are very sophisticated linguists; Biden seems to have read a similar report
- 09:14 Biden comments preceding Obama inauguration
- 11:15 Current ALTA report
- 17:55 Biden the Babbler; Epic Battle
- 19:00 Jeff reads many samples from the ALTA report
- 44:00 Summer of Hell 2009; Dollar collapse; Flood of digi-dollars
- 51:20 Living in abandoned strip malls
- 59:20 4 possible scenarios
- 1:00:30 MichaelTsarion.com
Note: Our commitment is to provide links to original sources so they get the credit and traffic. However, many of the Clif interviews are behind the Rense Radio Archives paywall. We’ve also scrounged up a few Clif interviews that are missing from the archives. We are grateful to have Jeff’s blessing to make these interviews available to the public for viewer convenience and to help spread Clif’s message.
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