Clif joins Nathan Ford and Jake Fox on the Black Tower Show for a fascinating 2-hour discussion on the Irradia Couple, Zero-Point Energy, Global Coastal Event, Expanding Earth, and more.
- 00:01:20 Irradia Couple thrive on radiation and need very little food
- 00:07:26 New Electrics; Numerals that can’t be replicated by 1s and 0s; May represent a return to over-unity
- 00:10:11 Description of Zero Point Energy
- 00:13:15 Little Bloop Theory vs Big Bang; 22 trillion times per second
- 00:18:30 Smithsonian has disappeared giants and coneheads; Stele
- 00:20:30 Carbon dating is bogus – changes every 12-13,000 years; 3000-foot tower off the coast of South Africa; 2 1/2 islands/planets of life; Earth as lifeboat in Jain cosmology
- 00:26:30 Coincidence Theorists are blinding themselves to better solutions; Tavistock Institute; 10% consensus
- 00:30:25 Heavily armed society is a polite society
- 00:37:10 Visionaries, Early Adopters, Mainstream
- 00:41:50 Scott Peterson Earthquake and Banda Aceh Earthquake; Global Coastal Event; Norway Seed Vault
- 00:46:50 Bardo; Shashona silver thread
- 00:50:50 Masa Katsu – thre victory is self victory
- 00:58:00 Love, contentment, courage, humility
- 01:02:00 Remote Viewing
- 01:06:00 Genghis Khan – Temujin
- 01:07:40 Giants vs Crypto-terrestrials
- 01:10:55 Organized kidnapping of children; Queen and Catholic Church in Canada; Jimmy Saville
- 01:16:20 Pedophiles penetrated Masonry
- 01:23:10 Food riots lead to mobs discovering secret documents in the Vatican
- 01:26:38 Expanding Earth; Neal Adams on YouTube; CERN
- 01:34:10 Schizophrenia; Coherence; Mental Illness
- 01:40:00 Hydrogen Ion; Cannabis; Seven great plant teachers; Rick Simpson Oil; Theogens; Endogenic; Book: The Mood Cure
- 01:49:00 Buckminster Fuller
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