Clif High joins Off Planet Radio to talk about the nature of time and how its interaction with consciousness.
- 00:02:00 Start of YouTube censorship; Copyright strikes;
- 00:05:18 Clif begins – patent system has changed
- 00:09:00 Google AdSense and importance of having a Twitter account
- 00:12:30 Reason for show on TIME; Change in manifestation of time around 2012; CERN’s influence
- 00:16:15 Little Bloop Theory; 22 Trillion times per second pulse; Taoist John Chang; How different mineral compounds are formed
- 00:20:40 Ever-present Now
- 00:25:30 Prisoners age more slowly
- 00:27:00 Missing time
- 00:38:50 Explanation of consciousness; Aura = Atmosphere
- 00:42:55 CERN’s geography; Quartzite
- 00:51:00 Planet-wide Level 1 Experiment; Vast quantities of electricity into largest land mass on the earth
- 00:54:15 Explanation for CERN breaking down
- 00:56:30 Do animals have time?
- 00:59:45 Stretching time
- 01:06:15 Nikolai Kosirev experiments
- 01:07:45 Possible method of travel for UFOs
- 01:10:30 Can’t travel backward in time; Future doesn’t exist
- 01:16:30 Quantum computers free of consciousness/space/time
- 01:23:00 Vacuum behind the Sun; Solar systems like cells; Static may be time and space being created
- 01:27:17 Sacred Geometry; Book: Thinking and Destiny by Harold Percival; Light of Intelligence
- 01:36:55 Epigenetics; Psychedelic beer in Germany before it was banned; Psychedelics as suppositories administers with broomsticks; DMT
- 01:49:45 Genghis Khan, Mongrels and psychedelics
- 01:56:30 1947 First spacecraft shot down and created new narrative around consciousness; Quantum computers
- 02:04:40 War through time; Reincarnation; Karma
- 02:08:30 John Chang accident; Shaman
- 02:11:30 Initial antiwar movement was the elite
- 02:20:00 Woo people and bitcoin
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