We can remap our brains to better deal with contention the same way martial arts and yoga remap the brain to the body.
- 00:30 Clif High’s Pure Sleep
- 00:50 Homunculus refers to “a map”
- 02:30 Brain and nerve map = cortical; Movement mapped to brain = motor; Mind 2 Machine map; Contention map
- 06:00 Cortical homunculus
- 13:45 Contention
- 21:00 Aiki Jujitsi; Ki force
- 22:25 Usefulness of brain maps; Aikido; Yoga; Rewire the brain; Hot
- 27:10 Open contention with space aliens; War is a Racket – General Smedley Butler; Draft; Ukraine reduced population by 11%; War kills 2%
- 32:10 Relax completely; Keep one point; Keep weight underside; Extend ki
Direct video link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uLFUfhRdD3ng/