A chain of “energy-healing” centers is radiating a stupendous amounts of EMFs, including low-powered radar. UFO sightings will undermine Einstein grit physics.
- 02:03 Issues cause by Salk vaccine
- 08:50 EE Systems “energy healing”; Scalar waves; Bombarded with EMFs and radar;
- 19:00 High-power vs low-power radar ; Low-power radar; Low-powered radar is warming and was used as a healing modality, but lowers brain activity
- 24:10 SKENAR; Honokiol from Magnolia Bark
- 29:00 Red light biophotonics; C60
- 32:50 UFO mass sightings; Deep State will be losing it over UFO sightings; Einsteinian model and grit science will be destroyed; Rise of ether
- 40:00 Channeling is pablam
Direct audio link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/ufos-meet-and-greet
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