Clif’s first appearance with Patrick Timpone provides lots of good insights on the inner workings of predictive linguistics.
- 00:01:00 Forecasting vs prophecy, etc.; Radical linguistics; All humans are psychic and they leak; Generally use 11,000 words per day; The words outside that average are signs of psychic leaks
- 00:06:30 Anxiety was expressed on computer forums before 9/11
- 00:10:00 Good details on how Clif’s program was designed and how it works
- 00:12:30 Predicting 9/11
- 00:14:35 Very accurate prediction of northeast power outage
- 00:19:05 Building tension vs Release tension
- 00:23:45 Sep 22 – Oct 7 Emotional Plateau
- 00:30:50 Universe is moving away from supporting “rockstars”
- 00:32:25 “Death of the Dollar” started showing up July 4th, 2007
- 00:34:30 Illustration of release language: Wave of screams in theater
- 00:36:50 Model space made from IntelliCad
- 00:39:00 US Dollar “rejected by all” between Oct 7 – Feb 19; Paper currencies last about 72 years
- 00:46:15 GlobalPop, PlanetaryPop, and AmRev2
- 00:47:35 2012; Yugas; Humans will respond to additional energies
- 00:52:30 Earthquake prep
- 00:56:55 Staggering thing happened last night: Bush said our system is broken
- 01:01:55 Book: Reinventing Collapse by Dmitry Orlov
- 01:03:40 Very large earthquake Dec 10-12
- 01:09:30 Government doesn’t care about Clif’s work
- 01:10:25 Earth changes; HAARP; Chemtrails
- 01:12:18 Government had to minimize bulletin boards because they were to private; Gave Internet access to the public instead
- 01:15:30 Alien Wars; Shame of religions
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