A continuation of painting scenarios for a world after the failure of the Federal Reserve and central banks.
- 00:19 Khazarians have conquered most of the planet after 100 years; The world pays the Khazarians a tithe
- 03:00 14,000 times more money in derivatives
- 04:15 Benefits to friends of central bankers
- 05:00 Repeating the playbook of Germany entering WWI
- 06:00 Distractions not working
- 07:30 World without central banks; Bribery-financed secrets
- 09:30 Zionism
- 10:45 Comparison to collapse of Soviet Union
- 12:52 Similarities to German history
- 15:09 SciFi World
- 19:00 Analysis of Federal Register shows Black Projects inflate at 25% per year
- 20:40 Comparison to the Soviet collapse
- 24:00 Collapse of retirement systems soon
- 26:55 Comparison to a psychedelic experience; Very
- 31:45 Rumors of (Self-Organizing Collective) SOC stockpiling silver coins; New crypto systems preparing for post-FED world
Direct podcast link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/the-fed-craps-out-2