We can expect a maelstrom over the next 6 months that includes UFO encounters, bursting the banking balloon and real estate and, finally, the popping of the government balloon.
- 00:50 Whirlpool maelstrom forms off the coast of Denmark and Norway; Emanations from Galactic Center; M9 Point
- 07:30 Dr Jack Kruse interview; SV40
- 11:10 Blue Light Glasses; Processed Foods; Anti-cancer protocols; Turbo Cancers
- 14:15 Clif High’s Pure Sleep
- 15:00 Eusibius Pamphillis – Whistleblower from 325CE; Life of the Blessed Emporer Constantine; Presbiteers; “Woke Evil” virus; Council of Nicaea; Yeshua + Krishna = Jesus
- 25:20 Woke to Yeshua Krishna; No pyamids in Torah
- 27:28 “Rescue” the Republic
- 29:19 Jesus was a GMO human
- 31:55 Next 6 months; October – UFO Encounters; Elohim Exposure; Upending global religion; First Wave Language
- 40:30 Moon Shit
- 43:50 Banking Balloon, including real estate, will pop over the next 3 months
- 45:55 January – Government Shit; Government collapse; Government balloon pops; Balloon of Secrecy pops
- 48:25 Globalist Reaction
- 49:04 Abrahamic religions are fake; Gabriel was a fiction of Mohammadism
- 50:15 Moon shit is not ours
- 51:45 Dangers of channeling
Direct video link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/welcome-to-the-maelstrom
Amazing website! Recently, I’ve been trying to pinpoint the video clip where Clif says, “Jesus was a GMO human”, and I finally found it with the help of your site’s notes. But I have a modest request: For “20231213 – More Elohim Shit”, can you add the following time stamp? Add: “29:19 Jesus was a GMO human”. Here’s why:
After watching Clif’s “20241001 – Welcome to the Maelstrom!” video, it inspired me to write a blog article about “Evolving Bibles”. But for my final thoughts, I emailed Clif to clarify something: “Yeshua: 24-chromosome clone of Mary? Or 100% fabrication by Eusebius?” Here’s Clif’s answer, refined for grammatical clarity:
“So Yeshua was invented. But he was also a precursor British “god” who was also based on an Elohim… The rest is the story. So the Elohim abducted an individual in the original story from Persia/India that Eusebius collected into his “New Testimonies”. Thus, if we go way back to the Krishna/Arjuna stories, we find that the Elohim “god” who was labeled as “Krishna” liked the human Arjuna, and came and took his body at his death for reasons we know not. The rest are tales heaped on by the Jews, including the issues of chromosomes and lineage. Sorry to confuse.”
That’s why I wanted to pinpoint the video clip to refresh my memory, haha. Although Clif says, “Jesus was a GMO human”, I actually got the information about Yeshua having only 24 chromosomes as a clone of Mary (with 23 chromosomes from Mary plus 1 Y chromosome from an unknown human-male donor) from a different source that I no longer remember. As far as I can remember since 2021-2022, Clif never discussed Jesus’ chromosomes, only that he was GMO’d. Unless you know? Thanks in advance! Haha, just for fun: “Merry Christmas!”