What we might expect around the space alien issue in the coming days. Clif’s experience with the CIA “Rabbis” is very interesting, as is his insight into the latest data run.
- 00:01:00 Introduction to the Trump/Joe Rogan interview temporal marker and “39 Days to Melee” concept; Creating chaos so Trump can’t take office; Elohim Worship Cult subject to Space Aliens
- 00:04:40 Command structure breaking down around drone situation; Don’t count on social services to be operational
- 00:08:35 It’s Trump’s Problem Now; The aliens must open communications with humanity, but are unlikely to do so with officialdom/governments; Nuclear power creates problems in the alien realms;
- 00:19:25 Rabbis Bigly Mistake; Appropriate response to alien contact; Technically inferior civilizations are absorbed or made extinct; WWII – large portion of German intelligence and leadership was Jewish; US Jews formed OSS, then CIA – known as “Rabbis”; Clif’s dad experience with CIA; CIA ordered shoot-down of Roswell UFOs; Rumor: Eisenhower was offered a meeting with pleasant aliens who would give us ZPT; CIA partnered with the Greys
- 00:35:15 Plausible explanations current UFO/drone behavior
- 00:39:03 Big expulsion of Jewish community; CIA “Rabbis” did something wrong for all of humanity
- 00:40:58 Escalation of of UFO sighting after December 3rd; Steven Greer expects data dump from disgruntled employees – Probably won’t happen
- 00:47:40 Biologicals can’t be created and have a great value
- 00:49:25 Video by Italian fellow; We have the power; Make A Way Civilization
- 00:53:09 BeyondMystic.net/notes/ ; Early look at latest data run; 33.1 ICD-10 code; 25-50% of population to have major depression; We invented the tech on our own – not inferior; Diaspora
- 00:58:05 Many illegal migrants will flee US thinking we are being invaded by demons
- 01:02:25 Transformations of civilization due to alien contact; Bhagavad Gita; Thinking and Destiny; 25% of humanity will have freak-outs since they don’t have many reincarnations; Another atheist-type group will have a hard time adjusting due to cultural aspects; Last two groups will gravitate toward the alien perspective, either science or religion
- 01:06:00 Silver lining is humanity’s growth period from people building out a new, positive version of the future
- 01:08:28 Suffering vs hopium; Kids will be an irritant to government because they have a realist look on life; Trump organization won’t make it; Last Christmas; Downfall of most religions; Islam to Sufism; Christianity to Mysticism/Ontology
- 01:14:45 Advice to help rigid people deal with increased rate of change; Stripping away all former indoctrination; Meditation; Psychedelic drugs; Width of Ever-present Now; Bruce Lee demo
- 01:21:05 Both sides in war look up and decide to go home
- 01:22:10 Rebuilding oneself; C60 Purple Power; Clif High’s Pure Sleep; Gaba receptors; GABA is precursor to Human Growth Hormone; Rebuilding Ki; Shungite
- 01:27:30 Dealing with loss during this new beginning for humanity; Live in the NOW; Concentrate on breath
I really wish you people would just stop it with the bad alien vs the good alien lies. There is no such thing as a grey alien alliance. What happens when you push out these false claims? People start to become fearful and racist towards other galactic civilizations. There is no such thing as hostile ETI people. A hostile being who can travel beyond the speed of light would surely be well equipped to take out an entire civilization. With that level of technological advancement. Well were all still here aren’t we? Be realistic about these things. If you want to have Steven Greer on podcasts you better be mature about the ETI subject and be prepared for hard hitting facts that can be backed by evidence. So many of us have been watching you guy’s talk and bring forth both credible and non sensical information. Where is your allegiance? Towards the misconception of hostile beings or towards peaceful conversations with ETI? Because currently there won’t be any ETI people opening up dialogue with anyone who paints the wrong picture about ETI. Clif high I’m asking you to be incredibly careful with the things your talking about. During the podcast a fellow named Wdavidsmith appeared and agreed with your notion about bad alien vs good alien. That was most likely David Wilcock. The problem is you could be inadvertently empowering those disinformation agents while not even knowing it by pushing out their exact same false claims.