Creating awareness of an alternative view of Time so one begins living in the Ever-Present Now to actively co-create with ontology.

  • 00:00:50 Jean-Claude has no clue about the subject of this show; Purpose: Cause a perceptual field collapse; Provide a new tool for thinking
  • 00:03:20 Concept of the future was invented in the late 1600s; You’ve been engineered away from the natural perception of time; Knights Templars were burned alive to change this perception
  • 00:06:33 Stars can’t be seen in space because light can’t be seen within the aether, only as it exits the aether
  • 00:08:22 Three parts of the body: 1) Consciousness 2)Body 3) Mind; Japanese Yoga
  • 00:10:25 Ever-present Now or Eternal Now vs past and future; Historically, there was only anticipation and the future was referred to as provenance or the mind of God; Scientific Materialism or Gritology; Einstein; Thinking and Destiny; Japanese Yoga; Biosphere; Noosphere
  • 00:18:30 Collapsing time like perceiving everything in a car crash; Anticipation is genetically encoded in our bodies;
  • 00:19:45 Religion used ritual to take Woo out of normality; Various Woo techniques – collapsing the potential field
  • 00:28:00 22 Trillion times per second explanation; Matter does not exist; Pulse and Impulse; Flux
  • 00:33:20 Kundalini experience vs enlightenment
  • 00:36:00 Infants perceive time differently; First clocks ran counter-clockwise
  • 00:40:00 Meditation; Alternate way to view time; No past or future; Pain vs Suffering; Event-Stream or Change; Reality is the filter we put on Change; Universe is seeking Novelty
  • 00:49:05 Co-creation; Desire for confirmation that creation is talking to you; Stupid wrestling coaches give formulas
  • 00:55:00 Interacting with the event-stream; Crambnibus Bill – Omnibus Bill; Listening to ontology vs being lucky; Take your pain now!;
  • 01:06:05 One spot in all of Universe that can’t be remote viewed; Participating in the Universe talking with you; Thinker, Doer, and Knower; Clif High’s Pure Sleep; C60; Woo arts are much more powerful when focused on yourself
  • 01:13:45 May be done with drone stuff January 8 or 9; Bad guys are being forced to put everything into getting Trump out; Only alien card; Mid-month emotional bumps for next few months; If alien disclosure is done wrong, Elohim Worship Cult is over; Mid-February bump is financial; Max Keiser Bitcoin projections; Shungite

Direct Video Link:–welcome-to-the-conspiratorium-with-jean-claude-and-clif-high.html

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One thought on “20241218 – Jean-Claude #15 Time”
  1. Nope.
    Consciousness is soul. Soul is mind. Mind is source creator. all one in the same. Albeit there is differing fractals throughout source existence. Physicality becomes animated because of the soul within it. Source creator features many different characteristics (you) and cycles through varying individualities to achieve what he or she needs. Most people throughout the world carry only fragmentary understandings or partial knowledge pertaining to things. I encourage people to live a life of ayurveda (life and knowledge) and seek knowledge from those who know (Saptarishi)

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