20220818 – When will it all POP-OFF?
Don’t give the motherWEFers a quick out. They should be arrested, imprisoned, and kept alive a long time in poor conditions so that they experience a bit of the suffering…
Don’t give the motherWEFers a quick out. They should be arrested, imprisoned, and kept alive a long time in poor conditions so that they experience a bit of the suffering…
Christianity, along with most religions, will take major hits as humanity questions the narradigm around which it has been built and begins to understand real history. 00:45 Malthusians; WEFfers; Malthus;…
Rollout of CBDC in the US will be a spectacular failure including being a giant honeypot for hackers. 00:38 Satan (Shitan) was an Elohim – a lawyer who adjudicated disputes…
Ze central banksters, zey do sayEat ze bugs! Do it todayZey think they’re Jews and you’re their goyThey claim eight genders saying you’re not a girl or a boyEat ze…
16% of federal budget is used to keep things secret. Add 18% for the fake healthcare industry and that means that 34% of US budget is going into nonproductive activities.…
The false narrative paradigm that we have been living in since the early 1900s is falling apart. Huge disruption and chaos are ahead because history, physics, chemistry, sociology, etc. must…
We are about to enter the “Secrets Revealed” period in which unpaid government contractors will give up secrets for compensation and food rioters will uncover hidden caches of information. 02:05…
Humans aren’t thinking correctly about UFOs and renewed interest in them will be a key indicator that WEF/Khazarian Mafia is losing its grip. Don’t eat insects! 00:37 We don’t understand…
Clif High records stream-of-consciousness thoughts while driving. Lots of chaos expected through the end of the year as world rejects Khazarian Mafia and WEF shenanigans. 00:44 WEF uses deception and…