- [00:55] Humans have 7 senses (subsystems)
- – Pineal/Third Eye, Eyes, Ears, Taste, Smell, Touch, Temp
- [05:14] Flavor/Taste;
- [06:53] Foodies, Aroma, Audiofiles; Visually oriented
- [10:27] Favoring flavors of music, women, food, etc.
- [12:00] Points in Universe of complexity that we find pleasing
- [15:00] Flavonoid; Elderberry complexity; Chaga
- [19:50] Pregnant women require guidance for flavonoids to make another human
- [21:57] GABA in Pure Sleep; Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
- [27:27] Spices
- [30:08] Nutmeg in Pure Sleep; Potential to activate a great number of hormonal processes; 10% won’t get anything out of Pure Sleep; Nutmeg triggers HGH and is a sleep aid
- [32:40] Nutmeg in Siberia; Permafrost
- [37:20] Distance = Time; 1947 flavonoid; UFOs, CIA, Tavistock Institute, MI5&6; KGB
- [43:37] Polio and Salk; 1917 Psychiatry; Spanish Flu; Vaccines; Eugenics
- [50:25] Pineapples are grapes
- [52:40] UFO timeline flavonoid
- [56:53] Connoisseur
Direct video link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/W0ZzuPcE3hdF/